Churches in Metro Atlanta, GA area, Metro Atlanta Churches, GA
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- Dagmar Sands - Church Specialist - Church Real Estate Agent
Churches Seeking Churches! We have assisted many churches,
visited Churches, SOLD & CLOSED 13 church properties in Metro
Atlanta, GA area and we continue to share information about
churches. Whether your church is downsizing, upgrading or
relocating, we are here to help you!
Our company has assisted Romanian, Korean, Asian, Japanese, and
other International denominations with finding their new home to
worship and grow. We can also assist relocating buyers to metro
Atlanta, GA area with a list of churches they can visit and become
a member of. We love helping churches to list and sell their facility
and we love assisting all of their members with real estate needs.
Dagmar Sands - Church Specialist - has listed and sold 13 properties
to different churches in metro Atlanta, Georgia. Working with
International clients - she is the International Real Estate Agent
that has also leased churches so they can co-exist and benefit
from working together. First Romanian Baptist Church she sold
to the Japanese Seigakuin Atlanta International School and then
helped to sub-lease it to the Korean Church. Dagmar loves
visiting churches, listing churches and selling churches. Call her
at 404-313-3456 or email
Above information deemed to be correct, subject to changes, Errors & Omissions.